Everybody needs a Boef

I’m BoefBandito, a chubby guy with a big heart and superpowers! I’ll warm you up when you’re cold and keep you cool when you’re hot. You’ve got a friend in me

‘Boef’ is Dutch and ‘Bandito’ is Italian for ‘Bandit’. So you may call me BanditBandit too ;). My headquarters are in Woerden, the Netherlands. Woerden is close to Utrecht and a 40 minute drive from Amsterdam.

My missions in life are to spread love and happiness, keep people warm, visit as many cultures as possible and eat loads of chocolate. O, and last but not least, find my family members a home.

adopt a cousin

BoefBandito loves to get real mail too!
This is his address: 

Boefbandito Headquarters
Rietveld 29
The Netherlands

I love to hear from you!
Leave a message and I’ll be in touch shortly.

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